What are Stinger Deals (Meal Exchanges) and how are they used?
Stinger Deals (Meal Exchanges) are included in the Unlimited 7 (100/semester), Weekly 14 (100/semester), Weekly 10 (75/semester), Weekly 8 (50/semester), and Weekly 3 (1/week) plans. Each plan has a limited number of Stinger Deals (Meal Exchanges) that can be utilized throughout the semester. *The Weekly 3 Plan includes one Stinger Deal (Meal Exchange) per week that resets at the end of every week (Sunday at 11:59 PM). Stinger Deals (Meal Exchanges) can be used in place of a Meal Swipe for a meal from a pre-determined menu at The Bagel Place, Courtyard Market (breakfast only), Good Eats, Engrained (to-go only), Tenders Love and Chicken, and Baja Fresh Express (for an extra $3.00 from 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM). The maximum number of Stinger Deals that can be used per week is limited to the total number of Meal Swipes each plan offers per week until reaching the allotted semester total.
Example: If you have the Weekly 14 Meal Plan, you can exchange up to 14 Meal Swipes per week for Stinger Deals (Meal Exchanges) until reaching the maximum of 100.